I digress.
Actually have lots of news to report that is fairly exciting, as far as summertime things go:
I should start in the order that these things happened...
I went home for two weeks to visit family and friends in Albemarle and Asheville, North Carolina. While I had a nice trip, Asheville lacks the pizazz it once had. Or maybe it never had it. Or maybe my life was just that much more exciting a few years ago, and I'm constantly in this state of trying to find it again, only to be met with a resounding answer of: NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE FUN EVER. Yet I did manage to go swimming, discover a secret carnival full of angry carnies in the parking lot of a Barnes and Noble, drink myself silly on rum and make an alarm clock with a googly-eyed goose on it with my friend Parker, and discover the astounding fact that there are people in the world named Tooty. Yes, that's right: TOOTY.

(A side note, the snooze button on the goose-clock was superglued by none other than Parker. And yes that is an Army man on the goose's back, with complimenting googly-eyed horse stickers, and a shielding tiki umbrella)
Moving on, my
The cookies are gone. I am awaiting a sugar crash. Anymomentnow.
While in Albemarle, I
Since returning from Albemarle, I have been working just about every day on campus in the English office. It feels like zombies are walking around in some sort of sad stupor with no motivation to attack anyone. No one wants to be there, and yet there are these lifeless personas floating around, trying to finish up their college careers. The only non-zombie I encountered was a student (who shall remain unidentified except for his insane actions) who needed to register for a class that was closed. When informing him of this, he proceeded to slam his fist down on the counter, grunt in a primitive-cavemanish manner, and then chuck a gnarled and twisted paperclip at my head. Naturally, I assumed something like this would happen, so I managed to duck before it hit me. Standing up, my 5'11 frame was no match for his 5'5 stature, so he backed down when I told him politely to LEAVE NOW.
Moreover, in August I am hoping to move into my own place, my first apartment. A studio of some sort (I hope). I have decided rather rashly that I want and need to live by myself for at least a year, possibly longer. I found a place that was pretty much perfect last week, but like the big idiot that I am sometimes, I decided not to sign the lease. My only excuse is that I simply had a bad feeling about it. But, I suppose I need to start packing, if only a little. My current living situation is fairly complicated, and anyone that knows me probably realizes that it is far time for me to leave. I have already told my landlady, and that wasn't exactly easy, and she did go a little nutso, but I think things have calmed down. For now.
As for my thesis, I have it narrowed down to three ideas that are entirely different from one another. I figure this is my only time in graduate school, and probably the last time in my life that I will be in school, so why not write about something I am truly curious and passionate about. Who cares if everyone else thinks it's bullshit.
And lastly, this past Saturday, I made the extremely impulsive decision to attending an open casting call here in the city. I went all by myself and it was more than terrifying. I had a few pictures taken, a brief interview, and I had to successfully "walk" for two representatives of the company. I'll find out next week if they want to "represent" me. We'll see what happens. At least now I know what to expect.
Until next time.
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