18 February 2009

To Feel Things that are Real

A story to entertain and captivate.

An array of images to delight your senses.

What is happening in the world?

--The other day I found a duck bin--


--I also found a duck wheel--

--It was all so glorious, that I decided to make a face--

--There was a street fair and I became lost--

--My day ended with a

kitty-themed evening--

Am I going crazy?



Onto Other Thoughts and Mindless Delusions:
  • Someone or something seems to have captured my voice this semester. I am utterly unable to find a way to speak up and say anything about anything. I fear I have nothing left to say anymore to anyone. What gives? Where has my voice gone? I have said something to frighten it away?
  • Street bums and junkie hobos have captivated my attention this past week, and I'm contemplating writing a story about my encounters with a few eclectic specimens.
  • Am I ever going to grow up?
  • I haven't had a chance to write any haiku's on the typewriter at work this semester. I'm dying for a chance to steal away and write a little one about something stupid.
  • I'm afraid.
  • All this rain here is going to drown me.

More later. I think.


Anonymous said...


PS - is that you cat? Murakami would approve.

Anonymous said...

you = your.

i'm learning.

kstreet said...

Heeeey this is Kristen Street I am now reading your blog. I have one too, if you wanna look at it.

Sethery said...

What a nice story.